Make ACH payment here
Please refer to the payment schedule below and enter your payment amount in the “Custom Amount” tab in the payment form below.
- $210 = 1 child / 1 week
- $400 = 1 child / BOTH weeks (includes a $20 discount)
- $400 = 2 siblings / 1 week each (includes a $20 discount)
- $780 – 2 siblings / BOTH weeks (includes a $60 discount)
- $590 = 2 siblings (1 sibling / 1 week +1 sibling / BOTH weeks; includes a $40 discount)
- $590 = 3 siblings / 1 week each (includes a $40 discount)
- $780 = 3 siblings (2 siblings / 1 week + 1 sibling / BOTH weeks; includes a $60 discount)
- $970 = 3 siblings (1 for 1 week + 2 for BOTH weeks; includes a $80 discount)
- $1,160 = 3 siblings for BOTH weeks (includes a $100 discount)